Hexadigm Systems
Home of TranSolution
Localize your Microsoft Visual Studio .NET solutions with ease
For both developers and free for translators

Who are we?

Actually, "we" is really "me" for now. I'm a professional software developer from Toronto, Canada. I've been programming on Microsoft platforms for more than 30 years. Most of that time has been spent in the C/C++ coding trenches where I've contracted for many companies both large and small. My experience cuts a wide swath of Microsoft technology having done extensive work in many core areas of Windows. Of course being an experienced C/C++ developer means I've also spent more hours coding in the WinAPI than some would consider sane. I only recently stepped into the .NET arena to code TranSolution in C#.

The idea for a program like TranSolution actually surfaced back in 2005. I was winding down a long-term contract for a well-known Fortune 500 company and it was during this time that the need for a translation package became clear. When it finally came time to translate the application I was working on into six languages, it didn't take long to realize what an ordeal the process can be. The need for a package like TranSolution seemed obvious but I couldn't find anything like it on the market. Other translation packages I looked at just weren't making the job easy enough in spite of all the claims. I tried to design TranSolution to meet these shortcomings and while I look forward to improving it over time, I think most programmers and translators alike will already find it a pleasant and pain-free experience.

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact me at support@hexadigm.com. Your questions, suggestions and opinions are welcome. Bug reports are also welcome of course (though happily very rare normally), and they'll be repaired as fast as possible (no long waits for some distant service pack). Note that all questions are usually answered very quickly, typically within two hours or less when arriving between 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (including most weekends). Your patience is appreciated however (note that email arriving after 5:00 PM may not be answered until the following day, but a wait of more than 24 hours would be extremely rare). Thank you.
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